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Joel - Another important facet of HRV is that it also reflects the influence of non-training stress that can hinder performance and training.
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2015 on Avoiding Overtraining at Joe Friel
Joel - As an older athlete I've found HRV measurements to be extremely useful for monitoring my training especially when coupled with TSS. It provides a quantitative trigger to rest and also when to maybe to toss in an extra HIIT day. I've used it over the last 7 weeks to guide my rehab training after breaking my clavicle. The technology is quite accessible now via smart phones. Here are two blog posts covering HRV and over training, one for two elite triathletes, and the second post for a normal triathlete.
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2015 on Avoiding Overtraining at Joe Friel
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Jul 22, 2015