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David J. Gonzol
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Thank you for the motto, "Cite what you see"--very helpful! For "Henry VIII," then, I take it we would list him just like that as an author in the reference list. Although also not pseudonyms, how do we put in the reference list such names given on title pages as:
--John William Strutt, Baron Rayleigh, Sc.D., F.R.S.
--Alfred, Lord Tennyson
In the body of one's writing, it seems traditional to refer to "Tennyson," but "Lord Rayleigh." Or is the "Lord" to be avodced? Also, what about a parenthetical citation for the baron?
How to Cite Pseudonyms
by David Becker “Whom do I cite: Mark Twain or Samuel Clemens?” In this post, I provide some basic guidelines and suggestions for citing pseudonyms. There’s no official APA Style rule on this, but a few criteria can help you decide how to present the information. I use republished books as exa...
Thank you for addressing this issue overlooked in the APA manual! What you give for the singspiel "Die Zauberflöte" seems mainly true: It was composed in the summer of 1791 and first performed in September (with a printed libretto for the audience); extracts from it were first printed in November. But the full score was not published before 1814. So by “published,” are we also to mean “performed” and “composed”—or even “partially published”? I suppose the researcher can take his or her choice in the parenthetical comment at the end of a reference, yes? I use, for example: (Original work composed in 1791)
How to Cite a Musical Score
by Jeff Hume-Pratuch Sheet music may not be the first thing you think of citing in APA Style. However, there is a large body of research on the topic of music and emotion, not to mention the specialty of music therapy. And where there is research, there must be citation! Basically, a musical ...
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Jul 25, 2015
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