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Matthew R. Lavery
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This post has been inordinately helpful!! I'm glad to see that the comments still appear to be active, since I have a few questions about your recommendations. For easy reference, all of my questions have to do with this video:
1) Does the APA discouragement against shortened URLs apply to internally shortened URLs like the ones provided by YouTube? It seems safe to assume that has the same longevity as Thoughts?
2) For a show like Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, who is the author? A show like this is clearly not just a solo venture, so it seems inappropriate to list John Oliver alone. Should I go with the four Executive Producers as multiple authors (see, or should I list HBO as the author?
3) To echo the very first question asked in this thread, am I correct to think that I would not italicize this title, since it is a single element of a much larger work?
Thak you for all of the helpful information that you provide in this blog!!
How to Create a Reference for a YouTube Video
by Stefanie Halloween is coming! What better time of year to track down some of your favorite scary YouTube videos to frighten your friends or prove your position on the existence of ghosts? If you spin your YouTube search into research (“The Startle Reflex: Can You Use It to Identify Individua...
Matthew R. Lavery is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 4, 2015
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