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Bay Area
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The filling is reminiscent of one of the best recipes on the epicurious site that kicks up the blue cheese with prosciutto. I've made it many times in different forms:
Ruth, you're so right--who would fiddle with the sprout innards?
A Truly Ridiculous Recipe
I'm not sure I even need to editorialize about this recipe, which says a great deal about what the notion of "gourmet cooking" was when it was printed, in January 1975. I imagine Gourmet readers, with a great deal of time on their hands, spending hours making these fussy little hors d'oeuvres...
I will be interested to know how your souffle turns out--it uses some of my favorite veggies! If I were making it and looking to save time, I might do one of two things: 1) Trader Joes sells a very good eggplant 'hummus' that is just bab ganoush and I'd use that instead of bothering with the eggplant step. 2) Similarly, Dave's Gourmet sells a stellar red heirloom tomato sauce if I wanted the souffle but was constrained on time. There are red pepper sauces I've also enjoyed, but his tomato sauce is as good as my from-scratch tomato.
There was a time when spending extra time in the kitchen was my preference, but I no longer feel the same especially when the weather is nice and I can walk happily outside!:)
A Fine Souffle
Today's vintage recipe - don't you love this photo? - is from the January 1985 issue of Gourmet. Although it's a winter issue, it's perfect for the current season, when markets are filled with just-picked peppers, young eggplants, scallions and garlic. I'll be making this for Labor Day lunch, ...
Thank you for sharing these historical tidbits!
It is curious to me that both the Cherry Soup and the Fish recipes don't include salt. Nowadays, salt is de rigeur for ALL dishes, including desserts, of course and assumed to be critical for maximum flavor.
Meet the Frog Man of Florida
As promised, that cherry soup from the tenth anniversary issue of Gourmet (1951). And then, just because I agree with the author, Samuel Chamberlin, that the trout recipe sounds delicious, I'm including that. Along with one for salt rising bread; this is different than the one Marion Cunn...
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Aug 11, 2015
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