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Cheryl Wooodman
Recent Activity
Love a good facial mist, vitmain E is so great for skin! The witch hazel will help to keep it good for a while, but just be carful with no preservative it can grow some bacteria as there is water in there. If you want the water and oils to mix, just add a bit of something called tween20 or 80 (polysorbate) its a sugar, and it makes oil and water mix, also attracts water to skin to help moisturise it - taadaa!
Make Your Own Rose Water Face Mist
I've been a fan of face mists for a couple years now. (I've used this one and this one and love them both.) Recently, when I started looking at the ingredients in the mists, I realized this would be super easy to make at home. I customized the formula to my own preferences and it turned out s...
Cheryl Wooodman is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 27, 2015
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