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Thanks, Chelsea!
When and How to Include Page Numbers in APA Style Citations
Note: For examples and guidelines in seventh edition APA Style, see the following topic pages on the APA Style website: Quotations, Paraphrasing, and Direct Quotation of Material Without Page Numbers. The examples in the following blog post are in sixth edition APA Style. by Chelsea Lee All A...
CS is now following Chelsea Lee
Sep 18, 2015
Thanks, Chelsea!
I have a question that I can't find addressed in the blog or the APA Publication manual. It often throws my students for a loop.
When a publication uses formal section and sub-section numbers instead of page numbers (as is often the case with e-texts) how should section numbers be used in a citation?
For example, I have a history text with a chapter section that looks like this:
05. The Late Progressive Era and World War, 1912-1920
5.14 Women and the War
It seems intuitive to use section numbers in place of page numbers: (Trowbridge, 2014, sec. 5.14). That's short, sweet, and specific.
However, I don't see justification for this in the manual.
If I using the heading and paragraph number method, I end up with a citation that is more cluttered and less precise:(Towbridge, 2014, "Women and the War" para. 2). Even if we move Towbridge (2014) to a signal phrase, ("Women and the War" para. 2) lacks the precision of (sec. 5.14). ("5.15 Women and the War" para. 2) is unwieldy and difficult to integrate into writing in a tidy way (especially if different sections of the text are cited frequently.)
When and How to Include Page Numbers in APA Style Citations
Note: For examples and guidelines in seventh edition APA Style, see the following topic pages on the APA Style website: Quotations, Paraphrasing, and Direct Quotation of Material Without Page Numbers. The examples in the following blog post are in sixth edition APA Style. by Chelsea Lee All A...
CS is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 18, 2015
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