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Thanks, Chelsea!
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CS is now following Chelsea Lee
Sep 18, 2015
Thanks, Chelsea! I have a question that I can't find addressed in the blog or the APA Publication manual. It often throws my students for a loop. When a publication uses formal section and sub-section numbers instead of page numbers (as is often the case with e-texts) how should section numbers be used in a citation? For example, I have a history text with a chapter section that looks like this: 05. The Late Progressive Era and World War, 1912-1920 [...] 5.14 Women and the War It seems intuitive to use section numbers in place of page numbers: (Trowbridge, 2014, sec. 5.14). That's short, sweet, and specific. However, I don't see justification for this in the manual. If I using the heading and paragraph number method, I end up with a citation that is more cluttered and less precise:(Towbridge, 2014, "Women and the War" para. 2). Even if we move Towbridge (2014) to a signal phrase, ("Women and the War" para. 2) lacks the precision of (sec. 5.14). ("5.15 Women and the War" para. 2) is unwieldy and difficult to integrate into writing in a tidy way (especially if different sections of the text are cited frequently.)
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CS is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 18, 2015