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Chubby Berry (Winnie)
Recent Activity
Nice job ladies.
The apple makes me think of "An apple a day, keep the doc away"
Feel like having a bite on it.
Also,it just amazing on the ideas it can be used on the pencil set.
Hello all, I am so excited to share with you all our projects today, but first our winner from our last post on A LITTLE BIT OF CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST is: CARLA congrats CARLA you have won any 3 sets from our online store.....I will be contacting you shortly..... With school just around the corner ...
Great job ladies. It look amzing to DIY own file organizer.
Hello all, welcome to another design team post...this week I can't wait to show you our projects...but first our winner from our last post on GOT MILK is: Lynette Lynette you have won any 3 sets from our online store. I will be contacting you shortly. Okay today we are showcasing projects using...
Chubby Berry (Winnie) is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 23, 2015
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