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Debbie Smith
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If, in a footnote, you write "Adapted from" and include a source, would you also include the source in the references list at the end of a paper?
Thank you for your assistance!
Footnotes for Source Citations in APA Style?
by Jeff Hume-Pratuch Dear Style Experts, I am writing a paper in APA Style. I have the sixth edition of the Publication Manual, but I’ve been unable to find instructions for how to format my citations in footnote form. All I see in the manual is examples of references. Can you help me? ...
Hi Anne,
If you have the following names, in which order would you list them in a reference list?
Miller, J., & Maloney, C.
Miller, J. B.
Specifically, I'm wondering if the single name takes precedence over alphabetical order.
Order in the Reference List! Or the Case of the Maddening Initials
by Anne Breitenbach It’s true confessions time: I copyedited APA journals for years and even taught APA Style to APA copy editors, and yet I’ve tripped over some really basic issues more times than I like to admit. One issue that has tied me in knots several times is how to order a referen...
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Sep 30, 2015
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