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B. Moser
Recent Activity
Hi, can you
Explain to me what a "usual primary voter" is exactly? Is that someone with no life who spent hours of their lives in 2010, 2012 or 2014 to caucus for no reason like I am assuming?
Cruz rising in Iowa; Clinton back out to dominant lead
PPP's newest Iowa poll finds a tight race on the Republican side in the state with Donald Trump at 22%, Ben Carson at 21%, Ted Cruz at 14%, Marco Rubio at 10%, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal each at 6%, and Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina each at 5%. Polling further back are Chris Christie at 3%, Joh...
Webb's diss of Sander's "political revolution" was kind of cute because the entire thing's a bit silly, but I do think if 20% of the country nagged congress every time a President Sanders said anything, a HELL of a lot would be changed in this country.
So my question suggestion is: Do you feel like it's time for a political revolution in this country?
New Hampshire Question Suggestions
We figured the best place to gauge what impact, if any, the Democratic debate had is New Hampshire so that's where we're going for our public poll this weekend. We'll look at the Presidential race, Senate race, and Gubernatorial race. Suggestions on other topics to poll would be as always much a...
B. Moser is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 14, 2015
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