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Sunn Samaadh
Recent Activity
I know what you mean about the feeling of moving around in a magnetic-like field.
When we release the senses to merge with the sensory objects, it feels as if the senses become less visceral and more admixed/unified.
Have you ever been accused of holding a view of eternalism?
I am often of the notion that the tathatagarbha can be considered synonymous to the soul and that Buddhism just gives expression in one way to a truth that is actually ineffable and thus anatman philosophy arose as an expedient.
What are your thoughts?
A better way
Both the practice of zazen and koans/gong'ans can lead us down a path that soon turns into a pathless jungle where we can easily lose all sense of direction. Even with a teacher, one whom we believe is skilled, the path often falls short of where we think it should go. Obedient as we are to ou...
Sunn Samaadhi
The real start of a better Zen path
When we listen to a radio all that we are hearing is the amplification of a specialized vibration of the aether. What we are not hearing is the aether, itself, free and devoid of vibration. Using this analogy, our average of 70,000 different daily thoughts (the good ole monkey-mind) can be tho...
Sunn Samaadh is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 22, 2015
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