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Bianca Rogoveanu
Med school graduate II Psychiatric resident II Beauty lover
Interests: Psychology, Makeup
Recent Activity
Hi there !
Q&A: What is your biggest dream? or What is your dream destination?
I wish you a Merry Christmas full of joy and positive thoughts !
I already have an ECLP, but I would love to buy one for a special person in my life !
Thank you for the chance, all the best from the other side of the world.
Bianca from Romania
Merry Christmas! EC Planner Update & Giveaway! Video
Hello everyone! I have had quite a few people asking me to do an update on my Erin Condren planner - so I filmed that along with a couple random little updates. You can check out the video below: Or watch directly on YouTube HERE <-----click! Also like I mention in the video if you're reading...
Hi there !
Q&A: What is your biggest dream? or What is your dream destination?
I wish you a Merry Christmas full of joy and positive thoughts !
I already have an ECLP, but I would love to buy one for a special person in my life !
Thank you for the chance, all the best from the other side of the world.
Bianca from Romania
Merry Christmas! EC Planner Update & Giveaway! Video
Hello everyone! I have had quite a few people asking me to do an update on my Erin Condren planner - so I filmed that along with a couple random little updates. You can check out the video below: Or watch directly on YouTube HERE <-----click! Also like I mention in the video if you're reading...
Bianca Rogoveanu is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 22, 2015
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