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Omar Panky Montenegro
Trained as designer and illustrator, I always had passion for the visual arts. My early work as product designer combined the artistic form with function, textures with materials, with an eye for the technical precision inherent to design. The documentation of the products over the years lead me to photography, which I embraced as a way of expression, experimenting at the studio with lights and forms, and also exploring the complex world of human emotion and feeling. I was Born in Argentina and had lived in Brazil and the United States for 20 years plus, before moving to Thailand in 2006 where I worked for local and foreign companies in the fields of design and photography. I moved to Singapore in March, 2015.
Interests: The world, my home
Recent Activity
Lillian Leitzel was an acrobat for the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. The inaugural inductee to the International Circus Hall of Fame. 1892-1931 Polymer clay sculpture Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2019 at de Panky/ from Panky
Alfredo Codona, 1893-1937 Italian American trapeze artist who was the first aerialist to continually perform the triple somersault. Polymer clay sculpture Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2019 at de Panky/ from Panky
Roberto "el Polaco" Goyeneche. Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2018 at de Panky/ from Panky
En la liturgia Católica, la cuaresma precede a la pascua que celebra la resurrección de Jesus. Es un periodo durante el cual los creyentes ayunan, rezan, se arrepienten de sus pecados, viven frugalmente. Ante el advenimiento de esta etapa en la que la religión propone abstinencia y decoro por cuarenta... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2017 at de Panky/ from Panky
(photo essay published by Singapore's Prestige Magazine in June 2017) The greatest party on earth. In the liturgy of Catholicism, Lent is a period of about five weeks when believers suppose to enter a time of fasting, prayers, and repentance of sins. It precedes Easter which observes the resurrection of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2017 at de Panky/ from Panky
The swimmer. Modeling and patience. I always liked the depth that 3d illustration brings up to an image. Besides creating the art is necessary to complement it with a good photograph to make it outstanding. One day while I was swimming I had the idea of making a 3d illustration... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2015 at de Panky/ from Panky
Omar Panky Montenegro is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 27, 2015