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Senior Retail Lady
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Not a chance in effing hell would I eat there. Or even go - I'd walk in and turn right around. Geebus, that's effing stupid!
Strange Restaurants: Why Was This Even An Idea?
Disappointing that a Vet would misinform - it's a myth that dogs do not see color. Dogs see colors differently than humans, but they do see color.
They see colors as dark blue, light blue, gray, light yellow, darker yellow (sort of brown), and very dark gray.
Vet Sign Shenanigans: A Ruff Translation Of Dog Poetry
Guac is always extra. What I don't understand is why chips cost so much for such a small amount. I'm in So Cal - I can go to any Mexican restaurant/hole in the wall and get free chips and salsa with my meal. So wth do they charge so damn much?
Also guac is delicious, mmnnnnn avocado goodness!
Protesting Chipotle Customers want their Guac for Free
From Realgirldiet: Fighting the real fight.
I remember when the Christmas stuff did not come out until the day AFTER Thanksgiving!
July? sheesh!
Retail Problem of the Day: The Christmas Creep
This was taken last month on July 3rd, from redditor HyperMasenko who writes, "It's easy to forget it's July when you work retail!"
I sure hope that they charged her for the displays, AND at least 15% 'difficult customer' fee.
Retail Hell Memories: Why is this garbage so expensive?
From DFlyLoveHeart42, Tales From Retail: This was awhile ago but I thought I would share my first bad experience in retail. In high school I worked summers at my aunt and Mom's tile store. All the tiles were either hand painted by my aunt or the mosaics/patterns were laid out by my mom. All...
I how that you complained, in excruciating detail, to the people in charge of the venue.
Wedding Hell: Wedding Planner Rains Havoc On Wedding
From Karmasmatik, AskReddit A bit of a counterpoint but I actually had an opposite experience with a wedding-planner-zilla. We got married at this fantastic venue in the Texas hill country and they provided us with a "day-of" coordinator who was only supposed to be there to work with the ven...
Random black man, seriously? Ice-T has been a rapper since 1981,and an actor since 1984. Haven't heard of or seen Law and Order Special Victims Unit? Or his multiple movies?
Somebody, Somewhere Will Get This Reference
At almost 53 years of age, I have NEVER had the fridge and the oven open at the same time. I can not even guess at how many meals that I have made.
Engineering Fails: You Can Use One, But Not The Other
And yet another example of WHY grammar is important.
Awkwardly Named Products: Tasty Grandma
From Zeekyboy
THANK you, Freddy!
When You Work On New Year's Day
From trixy_mia
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Jan 1, 2016
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