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Casey L Anderson
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Well techincally based on the storyline that gibbs learned those rules from his mentor "mike franks" and everybody agrees that there are no such thing as coincidences. Why do i say i live by that rule is because i did a little genealogy research on my family tree and guess what my paternal biological grandfather, my maternal biological grandfather, and my maternal biological grandmother are distant related cousins. my paternal biological is an 18th cousin 1x removed to my maternal biological grandfather and my maternal biological grandmother. and my maternal biological grandfather and my maternal biological grandmother are 18th cousins. because my paternal biological grandfathers's 17th great grandfather is John Beauford, 1st Earl of Somerset(one of King Edward the 3rd of england's grandsons.John Beaufort/Beauford's father is John of Gaunt 1st Duke of Lancaster my paternal biological grandfather's 18th great grandfather. Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, Chancellor of England is my maternal biological grandfather's 16th great grandfather and Cardinal Henry Beaufort(is another grandson of King edward the 3rd of england, and son of John of Gaunt and John of Gaunt 1st Duke of Lancaster is my maternal biological grandfather's 17th great grandfather. Cardinal Henry Beaufort/Beauford is a brother to John Beauford/Beaufort full brother. Joan Beaufort/Beauford Countess of Westmoreland is a full blooded sister to John Beaufort/Beaufort 1st Earl of Somerset, and Cardinal Henry Beaufort/Beauford,Bishop of Winchester,and Chancellor of England, and Joan Beaufort/Beauford, Countess of Westmoreland is granddaughter of King Edward the 3rd and a daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmoreland is also my maternal biological grandmother's 16th great grandmother. and that would make John of Gaunt 1st Duke of Lancaster, my maternal biological grandmother's 17th great grandfather. so the common ancestor of my ancestors connection to each other is John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster. My paternal biological grandfather's 18th great grandfather is John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster. My maternal biological grandfather's 17th great grandfather is John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster. My maternal biological grandmother's 17th great grandfather is John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster. So John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster is my 20th great grandfather on my dad's side, and John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster is also my 19th great grandfather on my mom's side. Now do you call that a coincidence.
Technically the rule says "digging" not drilling: Rule #70: Keep digging until you hit bottom," a McGee creation that Gibbs did not disown: "Rule 70?" Rewatch the show and it's in season 12 epiosde 5: the san dominick in the middle of the show close to the ending, if you have closed captions available on your tv i suggest that you better start using them to make sure of your sayings.
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Jan 6, 2016