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That the mall didn't have some kinda emergency lighting is pretty worrying. Even for the primitive year of 1998 you'd think building codes would stipulate it!
Bad Mall Design Plus Power Outage
From invisiverse, TalesFromRetail Comments I worked in an outlet mall about 18 years ago selling luggage in a luggage store. The entire mall had no windows. None. Not in the stores, not in the hallways, and no skylights. The first time we lost power it was very upsetting to me. One second I'm...
Being from Blighty, where bagging is practically nonexistent, I really don't get bagging. Is it any quicker or less-hassle than the customer packing their own shopping?
Grocery Store Checkout Puts Custys To Work
From FilchsCat: How Convenient.
...8 years and she doesn't know how to enter tender? Somebody needs to be transferred to another department, pronto.
Coworkers From Hell: The Third Degree
From: ginabeena I have this one co-worker who is from Ukraine so there are some things she won't quite grasp, but she's been working there for 8 years and I've only been working there for about 8 months. There are other workers that moved here from other countries that haven't been here as lo...
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Jan 7, 2016
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