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Dennis MacDonald
Bradenton, Florida
Retired photographer
Interests: Photography, Travel ,Golf, Pickleball
Recent Activity
I did my second 8 at Ft.Sill and the Corporal Missile with the 84th Artillery in the summer of 1959. The shipped to Vicenza Italy in Jan 1960 where I was stationed until I mustered out in March of 1962. Would love to hear from folks with experience with this missile.
The Corporal Missile at Ft Sill's Artillery Museum
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. ~T.S. Eliot "The Hollow Men" This missile located at Fort Sill's artillery museum. This surface to air missile is known as aCorporal Missile. There is a certain el...
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Jan 9, 2016
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