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Laurie Mann
Pittsburgh, PA
Geek, SF fan, movie fan, progressive, traveler, wife, mother
Recent Activity
Very moving. Thank-you for sharing.
Shira said, “I need to ask you a question. Does David have a DNR order in place?”
“NO!” I said in a voice that was much too loud.
These are about the most heart-rending lines I've ever read online.
Til Death Did Us Part
I just awoke from this horrible dream that David Hartwell, my husband, had fallen down the stairs and died. And now that I am fully awake, it is still true, and I am still a widow. It is something that cannot be true. It is as though one of the seasons, or one of the directions, up or down, has ...
Laurie Mann is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 21, 2016
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