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Priyanka Mukherjee
Recent Activity
I cannot believe that next week this day I will be giving my final presentation to my clients. It has been an extremely versatile journey for me. From the initial surprise that I will be working alone, to the various stages of the project which were filled with a feeling of nervousness, quest and triumph, I think that the Capstone project was the perfect end to my journey as a MS Marketing student. I could not have asked for a better project to incorporate all the the knowledge and skills that I have gained in all the classes. Looking back... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
The past week I met up with my client to discuss about the progress of the project and also to set up dates for the final presentation as well as the meeting with the web designer. So we decided that we will meet up with the web designer on 11th April to discuss changes in the website. I was happy to know that UC website is getting updated and hence this is a great time to pitch in some new ideas for the ATS website as well. The final presentation is decided to be on 21st April from 9.30 a.m... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
Well the past week I have been a little relaxed as it was spring break and I really needed some time off. But I have started the analysis of the results of my survey. As I had mentioned earlier I have 3 surveys; one for current families who are associated with ATS, one for current volunteers working at ATS and one for the prospective volunteers i.e current students of UC. I must say I am overwhelmed by the responses that I got and I have more responses than I had initially targeted. People took their time to give really insightful... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
As I have mentioned in my earlier posts, most of primary the research that I am doing for my project is qualitative in nature. Preparing questions of that nature was definitely a difficult ordeal however now that I have most of the responses it seems like dissecting the results and analyzing it is going to be another tough job. Some of the questions that I had in my survey were open ended and I did so to give the respondents to put in their experience in their own words. I really wanted to know the kind of phrases they come... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
I have been completely caught up with the second part of my Capstone. In this part I have to find out the main reasons why students want to volunteer on campus. My client, Advancement and Transition Services, is always looking for student volunteers and hence they wanted me to come up with a message that would encourage more students to volunteer in their programmes. I felt that to go about the research for this part I first have to conduct one on one interviews to know what are the main driving forces behind students wanting to volunteer. For this I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
Last week I presented the questions for my survey to the client. After making some very minor changes the client approved the changes. I put the questions in Qualtrics and finally launched the survey. Eagerly waiting for the results now. But it seems to be no respite for me. Early on in the project I had decided that I am going to conduct two separate surveys. Right now it seems to be a lot of work. But my whole project is planned in a way that right now I cannot make any changes. Thus I have to go ahead with... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
Finally, the ATS tour took place last week. The reason that the tour was conducted so late in the semester was because there many participants in the tour, some were UC students from various departments and colleges, some were new employees of ATS and some came from companies that fund ATS. It was a pretty mixed crowd and thus it took some effort and time for the ATS staff to get everyone together. The tour started with all of us gathering at the Teacher's College, which is the main administrative building for ATS. After a short introduction we were taken... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
Questionnaire completed and sent for review.That is probably the only thing that went well this week.The week has not ended as yet but as I am going on a short trip from Friday, I had to complete a week's worth of work in just 2 days. And hence the title of this post. Now that my survey questions are done and all I have to do is wait for the feedback from my client, I decided to gauge my focus elsewhere. I thought this would be a good time to start framing a Competitive Matrix for my client. But what... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
I understand that the title of this post may seem pretty ambiguous and quite misleading as well; however wait till I explain the reason behind it. One thing that I have learnt through experience and also through the different marketing courses I have taken, is the fact that any proposal that we give to the client has to be backed up be relevant research. There are two components of primary research that are vital; one is the questions that is prepared to do the survey for the research and second is the respondents who answer these questions. These two things... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
14th January, 2016 I had the first meeting with my client. After my first meeting, though I was clear about what my client wanted, I was confused about how to go about with the research for it and to a certain extent “ambiguity” set in. So I decided to meet up with my client again and to dissect my deliverables for the capstone. The second meeting that I had with my client on 1/28/2016 proved to be immensely helpful and I got much more clarity on my project. After contemplation I understood that what my client really wanted was two... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
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Jan 21, 2016