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Another large high pressure system predicted next week. This should stir things up a bit more.
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2016 on Beaufort under early pressure at Arctic Sea Ice
Well, so much for being on-topic. Thanks Neven.
Something a little more on-topic. Does anyone here keep a regular watch on the ENSO? This must contributes to the global sea-ice minimum as stored energy in the ocean is released into the atmosphere. CPD just updated the Temperature Depth Anomaly animation. ENSO is supposed to be dissipating by now but this beast is coming back to life. If you look at the 850hPa wind anomaly, this thing is set to keep rolling. Now has THIS ever happened before?
Thanks for the feedback Rob, I would like to stay away from anything that could be construed as cherry-picking data. I could include long running phenomena like the Peterson Glacier or the Larson Ice-shelves collapsing. Picking out one instance from this year might send eyes rolling (for fence sitters anyway).
Hi all, I have been lurking on this blog for years but have never posted a comment. Neven I really appreciate the Arctic Ice Sea Graphs site, I visit it almost every day. Apologies for the off-topic post but I didn’t see an open thread. Several week ago there was someone that asked for opinions on a blog post that he had about climate change. Several of you were gracious enough to respond with some very helpful insight. This really caught my eye because I too had started a similar outline just about a week before his post. I am concerned that the compelling evidence on climate change is not being communicated well to the general public. I do not feel that I am a good writer or communicator however if I can put this thing together, I would like to submit it to an NPR show called RadioLab. These guys know how to tell an interesting and compelling story. This is a very rough draft. I just wanted to put some thoughts down and try to get from beginning to end to see what I have. I would appreciate any comments that you have as continue to work on this. P.S. If you have never listened to a RadioLab podcast, I would suggest the episode “Desperately Seeking Symmetry” or the one on CRISPR genome editing.
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Jan 31, 2016