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Maha El-Taji
Recent Activity
My experience with the language hub has helped me advance my spoken Arabic and make new meaningful friendships outside of the international school. In weekly meetings with my partner, we start with suggested topics and adapt our conversation to gaps we discover in our vocabulary or grammar. For example, when... Continue reading
Greetings from the city on the Mediterranean Sea! At CIEE, Haifa we have taken advantage of our long summers to enjoy some amazing trips and activities. The long Sukkot holiday met us early in the semester and allowed the students to enjoy the activities without worrying about reading assignments and... Continue reading
Your New Resident Director Hits the Ground Running! I cannot describe my excitement when I found out this summer that I was to start my new position as the Resident Director of the CIEE Study Center in Haifa. When is my start date? "Immediately, you say?" But that was not... Continue reading
Those were her words that rang through the chilly air. Her father’s eyes and mine met, and a small, strained smile appeared on his face. “Well…that’s a bit complicated.” Her young voice pressed onward, “But daddy, are we in another country? Did we cross a border?” “Well, yes, yes we... Continue reading
Maha El-Taji is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 2, 2016