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Keon Price
Recent Activity
So very relative to what my family and I are up against, concerning receiving the proper support for my son. It is unbelievable what some parents and students have to go through just have a shot at receiving and education. Schools use to be a safe haven for children and families who struggled on any level. I can't say the same today. Schools today, especially seem like they "only" care for numbers/test scores and receiving a pay check. It's as if your child is perfect, everything is then fine, but if there are any children with challenges/difficulties you can forget about it. So sad!!!!
Retaliation Against Parents for Advocating: An Emerging Trend
Retaliation against parents for advocating on behalf of their special needs children with their school district is an unpleasant topic. No one really knows how often retaliation occurs, but clearly it has happened frequently enough for parental advocacy to be protected by Federal statute. Not ...
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Feb 3, 2016
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