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John W Clifford
Denver, CO
Interests: Interested in diesel engines, remanufactured parts and all things automotive.
Recent Activity
It's a darn shame that VW had to lie to skirt around the EPA issues and subsequent environmental laws in Europe. The Tier Rating Program by the EPA was enacted to cut emissions in diesel engines beginning in the 1994 and grandfathered in diesel up until 2015. Take a look at this article about the environmental impact of diesel engines with this article. All of other manufacturers made strides to pony up to the laws however VW decided to put a buck over environmental concerns.
Volkswagen Group begins EA189 diesel engine emission fixes in Europe; 2.0L Amarok first
In December 2015, the Volkswagen Group presented specific technical measures to the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) for the EA189 engines affected by the NOx issue. (Earlier post.) As agreed, the Group began implementing the measures in Germany at the end of January for 2.0L engi...
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Feb 4, 2016
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