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I know a lot of people who live/have lived in Ohio, so I know you might get some interesting results from this one:
What US state played the biggest role in the first airplane fight?
1) Ohio
2) North Carolina
3) Some Other State
4) Not Sure
Ohio Question Suggestions
We're going to go into the field with an Ohio poll following Super Tuesday and the debate Thursday night to see how John Kasich is faring with his efforts to hold off Donald Trump in his home state. We'll obviously ask the usual questions about the Presidential and Senate races in Ohio, what oth...
Since you're doing both North and South Carolina, ask a BBQ question:
Which of the following do you feel is the best type of BBQ?
1) Vinegar-based
2) Tomato-based
3) Mustard-based
4) Don't know/Other
South Carolina and North Carolina Question Suggestions
Once the debates this week on Thursday and Saturday have passed we'll go into the field with polls in South Carolina and North Carolina on Sunday. Obviously we'll ask all the basic Presidential stuff, and Governor and Senate stuff in North Carolina. What questions/topics should we cover on these...
Matt is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 11, 2016
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