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West Michigan
Interests: Glass Art, Hand built Pottery, Dogs, Birds Esp. Eagles, of course
Recent Activity
Happy Mother's Day!
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Good Nite all... SED 'til morning light...
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Please summarize your "how to identify" pointers, Jethro. Several recent requests. P.S. I just love it when you are all excited-always have.
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Oh, happy, happy, happy dance! Thanks for all the comments for those of us not "ring-side" or in this case "Nest-side"....
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sadly, that rain, sleet, snow and ice is then going to charge straight across Lake Michigan to us!
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Judith-I will donate some malted milk EGGS. (my favorite Easter candy)
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and off they go. Well, that was quite exciting. "Come back guys, we can handle more,,,"
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wow...some of those bites are HUGE and amazingly're right, that's no fish...well, certainly not one that swims the Mississippi! where is everybody?
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Mavis...I get the same exact feeling about Justice "guarding"....he is being such a gentleman isn't he?
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ooohhhh...I am getting VERY strong feelings (after my visualizing all day...LOL) anyone else? These are strong GOOD feelings.
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Good Morning! Looking forward to today's activities. Will visualizing an egg in the nest help???
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Have we sighted them at all today? It would be a great day for an egg or some cheerful event. We don't live far from the site of the latest shooting spree. We attend an art event there every year and then eat at "that" exact Cracker Barrel. You can imagine the constant news coverage here. Some of the details are just heartbreaking. Prayers would be welcome...and needed.
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Good Morning all! I so look forward to visiting this site every day. Of course, I look forward to the eagles and I pray for bouncing babies this summer (am I greedy asking for three??? LOL) But, I must say I really look forward to those who post here. Slowly, learning personalities and making friends...and I have learned SO MUCH here. I have "peeked" into other sites briefly, but they just aren't the same. They lack that special "something". Thank you, Mr. John for all that you do.
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Good Morning Mavis...and those still under the covers. Where ARE those birds? The last time I saw them I thought L was in the maternity ward...LOL.
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yoo hoo anyone awake in Eagleland? Dog is asleep, husband snoring...however, I found it was easy to "trade" some valentine candies from "his" box for some in "my" box. oh yum, I did well. I was just picturing our eagles making similar deals. "Hey, will you give me some of that fat squirrel for this lovely, tasty fish?" Any unidentified howls and growls tonight?
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oh Jethro, I wish I could hear you laugh- or hear the coyotes and wolves, etc. I cannot get the speakers to work at all!
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oh no, I used to live in the mountains outside of Denver...I thought I was HOME!
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Good Morning Mavis and Jethro and all those I can't see. Just out of curiosity...does anyone remember the latest L has ever laid an egg? Anyone have vibes that today is the day?
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Good Morning! Guess I missed the action. Nest looks pretty in the mist/fog..would look better with an EAGLE, of course. Piper and I are off to the back soon.
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heavens, you are fast Mavis!
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Coleen...I will cut and paste the instructions for you if Mavis has signed off for the night...just let me know.
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introducing PIPER - faithful companion and new icon thanks to Mavis and her perfect instructions.
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Feb 14, 2016