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Brent Scheffer
Recent Activity
Thanks for the jigsaw puzzle idea! It sounds like a big hit for you!
1 reply
The coloring of the poinsettia is very distinctive! Superb!
1 reply
I really like hot air balloon cards! Your recipients would greatly appreciate it too! The background highlight the hot air balloon very well!
I am so glad you made this great Halloween card. It really showcases the colors well! I decided to do another Halloween card.
The stitched designs on the vertical ribbon and red rectangle are awesome. Quite unique!
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2016 on Pals Paper Arts 318 - Jolly at Stampin-Style
The embossing and shades of green are stunning! Awesome!
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2016 on Fa-la-la-la Friends Baby Blanket at Inspiration Ink
The watermelon slices are great! I wondered how you created the LinkedIn update on this site? I clicked the LinkedIn button an was able to forward it on LinkedIn.
Wow! The textures and colors of the brick walls are superb! Great card!
Your watercolor work really excels! Great card!
Ginger: Oh good you are using the new colors. I just found the RGBs.
This is really very colorful. The violet (Blackberry Bliss?) really makes it pop! We visited relatives in Montana about 15 years ago (they have moved since). The Copper mine in Butte and the Virginia City ghost town were were very memorable attractions.
Brent Scheffer is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 15, 2016