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I have followed you since Rift beta, and truly enjoyed your columns. I also enjoyed AA farming, but not much else. I have started BDO and look to being a farmer and fisher, having a home, mayhaps doing large scale PvP and GvG. I have not had an MMORPG home since WoW and left there after WOLK, never looking back, but ya sorta miss my first online game home.
I very much look forward to seeing how you do in BDO, and this game may prompt me to start finally bloging about these games I care so much about.
Go you! the more posts the more you inspire me and entertain me.
Black Desert Online: Oh No He Didn't!!!
All I've done so far in Black Desert Online is quest and explore. I'm playing very short sessions during the week due to other obligations. So far it's proven to be a nice way to unwind after dinner before I get back to working on other projects. Over the weekend I need to figure out severa...
Anke is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 4, 2016
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