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reimagined couture
South West
Reimagined Couture creates Wedding Dresses & Fashions specialising in Antique laces & hand dyed flower silks juxtaposed with new silk to create unique one off designs.
Interests: Hand sewing, flower dyeing , collecting the lost and observing life.
Recent Activity
Such a lovely surprise, it is so lovely to open a book and something lovely drops out, little curiosities that never fail to make us smile and wonder.
Unexpected Surprise at the Brocante
The unexpected surprise, the pleasure of two for one: Thumbing through a book I had bought earlier, a piece of paper folded between the pages. A small painting. As if whoever painted it, did so in a hurried state, though obviously with a talented hand. A droplet of water stains the p...
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Mar 14, 2016
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