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Layla Bera
Recent Activity
Hi Elsie, Again it's nice & amazing experience to visit on your blog that you shared a outstanding post with title "home tour elsies breakfast nook"
Great job by you Elsie !!!
Home Tour: Elsie's Breakfast Nook
Today I'm very excited to share our first room tour in our new home! We purchased our house ten months ago and moved in five months ago. It's been a lot of work, and we've spent a lot of time living in a "construction zone", but it's finally starting to REALLY come together! We've got a full y...
Hi Elise,
Cool... :) Amazing post all about Quilted Hexagon Potholders. It's such a awesome tutorial.
quilted hexagon potholders.
I'm currently on a mission to fix up all the little things in our house that drive me crazy. Some are so simple: Get Piper in more framed photos! (check!) Add legs to the media stand! (check!) And some are bigger projects: Fix the kitchen counters that are splitting at the seams! Add more coun...
Hello Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman,
It's great time to visit on your website, Which is really awesome and all about Home, Tips, Food & much more. Well It's really nice & awesome post about "diy parsons nightstand" ! Basically mot of people don't know about diy parsons nightstand but this post is really helpful to better understand for diy parsons nightstand !!!
DIY Parsons Nightstand
After living in our home for over four years, I can finally say, as of last weekend, our bedroom is completely finished! And what a soothing relief that is in my life. Bedrooms often seem to be cast aside in favor of rooms that are seen by guests and enjoyed by the entire family. In our case, w...
Layla Bera is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 21, 2016
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