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Mary Mc Ginnis
Recent Activity
The ETS which was legislated on the last sitting day in December comes into effect on the 1st July. Day before the election.
Turnbull insists he is not anti-union
Malcolm must have let the TURC findings on widespread union corruption slip his mind because he's not against unions. Turnbull's comment today is like a copper saying he is not against crime gangs. Unreformed and left to operate in precisely the same way that produced the TURC evidence and findi...
I have been following Michael Smith News since he broke the story of Gillard and Wilson. Even contributed a small sum of money to help him keep going. It was he who gave me a thirst for politics and I became very pro active, writing, emailing and phoning many ministers and especially my local federal member. So thank you Michael and may the good Lord bless you in your work. (76 year old pensioner)
Correcting the record, my apology to Senator Ian MacDonald - Ian voted for Tony Abbott, not Turnbull as we erroneously reported
I hope Senator Ian MacDonald might be good enough to accept my apology for the inadvertent inclusion of his name in a list of those Liberals who voted to oust Tony Abbott in favour of Turnbull last year. The offending article originally published here on 31 March this year has been removed. Ia...
Mary Mc Ginnis is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 30, 2016
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