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SandyNRichard is now following Carolyn
May 20, 2016
Thanks, Carolyn. Simple but good article; great photos.
Mixing Bead Manufacturers
One of the questions that seems to be coming up in forums lately is what happens when you use beads from different manufacturers. It's one of those things that I never think about, because I like the differences in texture that mixing manufacturers can give you. Others want their beaded braids t...
Thank you, Carolyn. This and your other articles definitely supply a lot of helpful info to those of us just learning about Kumihimo.
Product Review: Kumihimo Handle
First, I'd like to apologize for not posting in such a long time. Sometimes life just gets in the way of your hobbies! But I'm back now with a review of a new and controversial kumihimo product, the kumihimo handle. Developed by a man hoping to help his arthritic wife, and sold by The Beadsmith ...
Very helpful. Thank you, Carolyn.
Buttonhole your braid
Of all the ways you can use to finish your braid for jewelry applications, a button and buttonhole is probably among the most elegant. It doesn't require glue and can be done with virtually any button so you don't have to worry about metal allergies. There's a wide world of colors, shapes, and...
Thank you for this great, informative post, Carolyn.
Beads for Braiders Info-torial #1: Size 8/0 seed beads
Eight element kongo gumi/round braids with beads are one of things that are drawing people to the art of kumihimo. Because it is quick to learn and has a world of possibilities, people who don't have a background in either fiber or beading arts are finding themselves drawn to braiding. Unf...
Wow, Carolyn! This is a well-organized, excellently photographed ( and labeled ) and laid out .. and very helpful .. article! Short & sweet but the quality of a college project. Thank you so much for the very helpful info. You no doubt saved me a lot of trial & error confusion and frustration of having to figure this out on my own, not to mention wasted time and money, as I am just learning about the art and craft of Kumihimo.
Matching Cord and Beads in Kumihimo Braiding
Some of the most common questions I get from my students and see in on-line forums are about why a fully beaded kongo gumi/round braid doesn't work out as expected by the maker. While there are many reasons this can occur, the main issue is usually some sort of mismatch between the size of the...
SandyNRichard is now following The Typepad Team
May 20, 2016
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