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SandyNRichard is now following Carolyn
May 20, 2016
Thanks, Carolyn. Simple but good article; great photos.
Toggle Commented May 20, 2016 on Mixing Bead Manufacturers at Kumihimo Disk & Plate
Thank you, Carolyn. This and your other articles definitely supply a lot of helpful info to those of us just learning about Kumihimo.
Very helpful. Thank you, Carolyn.
Toggle Commented May 20, 2016 on Buttonhole your braid at Kumihimo Disk & Plate
Thank you for this great, informative post, Carolyn.
Wow, Carolyn! This is a well-organized, excellently photographed ( and labeled ) and laid out .. and very helpful .. article! Short & sweet but the quality of a college project. Thank you so much for the very helpful info. You no doubt saved me a lot of trial & error confusion and frustration of having to figure this out on my own, not to mention wasted time and money, as I am just learning about the art and craft of Kumihimo. _Richard
SandyNRichard is now following The Typepad Team
May 20, 2016