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Hello. What is the proper way to cite a reference book with no author but with multiple organizations as editors? The specific book I have is The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th edition, printed in 2015 by the Harvard Law Review Association, Cambridge, MA. The book was compiled by the editors of the Columbia Law Review, the Harvard Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and The Yale Law Journal. The ISBN is 978-0-692-40019-7. I see two possible options: The bluebook: A uniform system of citation (20th ed.). (2015). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law Review. Columbia Law Review, Harvard Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, & Yale Law Journal (Eds.). (2015). The bluebook: A uniform system of citation (20th ed.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law Review. What are your thoughts? If the former version is correct, should "The" be considered when placing the entry in alphabetical order in the reference list? Thank you in advance.
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Jun 5, 2016