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As an interested American I admittedly do not know some of the details that residents of the EU/Britain do. But I offer my perspective anyway.
As long as Germany, the Netherlands, and other member states take a punitive and moralistic stance towards its troubled cohorts like Greece, Spain, etc the EU cannot succeed. Rather than blame Greece, etc for its problems these other member states need to acknowledge how much they benefitted from loans and investments in Greece when times were good. Now the EU needs to help it change how it functions. Blaming, threatening, and punishing 'outsiders' is antithetical to a democratic union.
We face the same threats here in the USA in the form of Donald Trump, by the way. Heaven help us, and the rest of the world, if he wins the election in November.
Brexit and the Globalization Trilemma
I have not written much on Brexit because I do not have a strong or particularly well-informed view of it. My personal hope is that Britain will choose to remain in the EU – but that is as much because of a belief that without Britain the EU will likely become less democratic and more wrong-head...
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Jun 17, 2016
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