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What many are missing is that PG&E has said that the cost of electricity from an upgraded plant after applying for a new license is significantly higher than the cost of new renewable power solar and wind in the latest bids. It is better to use that extra money to invest in lower cost renewables than to upgrade the plant and relicense. So the pro-nuclear people saying we need to keep this going are saying that California ratepayers should pay a higher rate for nuclear power plant power vs renewables. And on top of that, mid-day when solar covers more than we need and we can't shut down Diablo for a few hours, we should just waste the power. PG&E is saying that does not make sense for ratepayers. And if a money-making entity like them has moved beyond a well-run nuke, I think its a matter of time for all the other nukes to shut down nationwide.
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Jun 23, 2016