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Recent Activity
There has been little polling for the primaries other than the Republican governor race next month. If possible do polls for the other contested primary races-
LG (R): AC Dienoff vs. Mike Parson vs. Bev Randles
LG (D): Russ Carnahan vs. Tommie Pierson vs. Winston Apple
AG (R): Josh Hawley vs. Kurt Schaefer
AG (D): Teresa Hensley vs. Jake Zimmerman
SOS (R): Jay Ashcroft vs. Roi Chinn vs. Will Kraus
SOS (D): Robin Smith vs. MD Alam vs. Bill Young
Treasurer (D): Judy Baker vs. Pat Contreras
Missouri Question Suggestions
We're going to go to under polled Missouri for our next public poll (and in advance of our trip to Netroots Nation in St. Louis next week.) Obviously we'll look at the races for President, Senate, and Governor there. What other questions or topics should we cover as long as we're polling Missour...
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Jul 6, 2016
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