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Yvonne DiVita
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Our Moms would have gotten along well, Robbi. I learned a good bit about being independent from my Mom. @Donna, we do note at the beginning of each post, who is writing it. Maybe you didn't see it?
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@Caren, yes, I think so many feel as you do about BlogPaws. The BlogPaws four devoted pet bloggers started. But, change is inevitable. I know the future will be different for all of us, but I wonder if the new BlogPaws won't be as exciting and wonderful, in different ways...for different people. Tom and Chloe and I, and I will put Caroline here, also, are still devoted pet lovers and now we have such a strong, powerful community to tap into, with our joys and our sorrows, we feel honored to have grown BlogPaws into what it is. And, we are hopeful for the future of it. @Dailydogtag - I was not there either. Kind of strange to have a 10th anniversary celebration without the founders, well, with only one (though Chloe, who was there, is the strongest and most wonderful of us! As her mom I can say that...)... and I agree that the being caught off guard is probably the issue. Still, I am hopeful, as I told Caren, that the new version of BlogPaws, yet to come, will surprise and delight us all. Meantwhile, we must go on, yes? Time does not stop. So, onward and upward, as they say! And KUDOS to the BlogPaws of old.
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This is brilliant, Robbi. I love the actionable steps. We should make a worksheet for this. W00t! I wish I could have been at the conference. Maybe next year!
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I so agree! Kindness is sometimes thought of as a weak quality to have, but it's much more courageous than anger or meanness. The courage to be kind is so enormous, especially today, I think. I never thought of being kind and courageous together, until I saw others demonstrating it - and now, I see it everywhere and it makes me happy to know the future is in good hands. The hands of kind people who are amazingly courageous.
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Oh Caren, it is hard, I know. But you, of all people, have so much to choose from! You must deconstruct (see other videos) before you can reonstruct, and then, write down your heroes. That will help. If it doesn't come to you today, or tomorrow, that's fine. Keep writing about the good and the not so good and tap into your heart and soul. I know there is a writer in there so... what does she really crave to achieve?
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You and I are on the same page, Caren. I too thought redesigning my life would be and could be overwhelming. It does get to be so, sometimes. But, since I've been reading and using Ayse's book, I'm beginning to see how I can take any issue or problem and deconstruct it to make it more understandable. Then, I can reconstruct it to my liking! We baby boomer women need to recognize that there is a process we can use to move ourselves forward, one step at a time. That's how soup is made, right? Glad you like the book. Now, it too, seems a bit overwhelming at first. But stick with me for three more sessions, and you'll continue to love it as much as I do.
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Oh Caren! You are so insightful! Yes, you are probably on your third act. Good for you! We have more than two acts in our lives, for sure! On the constraints...we'll explore that more in future videos. For your burners, well... maybe you can't have all four lit. Maybe at certain times, you have to leave one unlit. That's the challenge. And, I am going to do more with "Rebirth with memory"... stay tuned for that. Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts in comments. So important, as you know.
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You are already halfway there, Caren. You have the dream, you've written it down, now pursue it. This book will be super helpful, but the next one...for March, could be the one that changes your life. Stay tuned!
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Caren, I love that idea - that not accepting a compliment graciously is an insult to the other person. You're a busy boomer, and someone who epitomizes what I'm talking about here. Thanks for reading (and watching...gosh, I'm still learning this video thing!)
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Caren, you honor me with your comments. Thank you! I need to clarify the employee statement because I was a good employee, I just never liked being one. I was born to be an entrepreneur. More about that in future shows! Invite others to watch these reviews... I do hope folks will guide me on how to make them even better! Want to hear more about my Mom's store?
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Jul 8, 2016