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New York
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The author unfortunately equates an intolerance towards a religious belief with racism. They are quite distinct things - a belief system is an adopted viewpoint , something entirely in control of the 'believer' and fully open to debate and testing. It does her neutral authority as an an academic no good that she seeks to draw some equivalence between a legitimate questioning of the actions and influence of a 'belief' with a legitimate denouncemrnt of racism.
Is Islamophobia a Form of Racism (And Does it Even Matter)?
By Saadia Faruqi Graduate student Department of Sociology, Baker University A couple of weeks ago, Ben Affleck called out Bill Maher for being a racist because of his views of Muslims. In a world still healing from the racism of the pre-civil rights era, in a world of Ferguson and Michigan, be...
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Jul 18, 2016
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