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Recent Activity
If this election saw Donald Trump face Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, how would your voting preference change?
If this election saw Hillary Clinton face George W. Bush instead of Donald Trump, how would your voting preference change?
Ohio Question Suggestions
We're going to poll Ohio this weekend to get the post-RNC lay of the land. Obviously we'll poll on the Presidential race and Senate race- what other questions or topics should we explore? Especially interested in ideas related to gauging the fallout from the convention. Thanks as always for the ...
If this election saw Donald Trump face Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, would your voting preference change?
If this election saw Hillary Clinton face George W. Bush instead of Donald Trump, would your voting preference change?
I really think that asking either of the above questions would definitely provide some useful insight into how traditional political perspectives have shifted as a result of the 2016 election. Thanks!
National Poll Question Suggestions
We're going to do a national poll next week- obviously we'll do the Presidential race- but please let us know what other suggested questions and topics you'd like to see us cover! Thanks as always for the good ideas.
Darren is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 21, 2016
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