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Marsha Howell
Recent Activity
In the spirit of loving others, Pitner ES is collecting personal hygiene products to distribute to the homeless. I've volunteered for MUST Ministry's Elizabeth Inn, and I know first hand how even these small conveniences can lift someone's spirit and help them to feel valued. If you're able, would you... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2017 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
It's hard to believe that we're over half way through our school year! We're already thinking ahead to the Milestones test in April. I'm sure you've noticed that more homework is coming home. These assignments are added practice of the skills we're learning in class. Please go over your child's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2017 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
I'm very excited about the new year and the new opportunities for learning in 3rd grade. We made some personal resolutions for school, and the students are obviously looking forward to doing their best and acing the test! You know...the Milestones. Yeah...that one. So off we go! I invite you... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2017 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
I'd like to give a huge thank you to all the families who sent in candy and treats for our celebration and Fall Festival! Your support is always appreciated. Are you looking for ideas to help your student practice our 3rd grade standards? Please be sure to try and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2016 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
Fall is finally here, and I hope that during this break your family gets a chance to enjoy the slightly cooler weather. When we return, we will continue working with multiplication and division. Please be sure your child is practicing these math facts. Conference week will be Oct. 17-21, and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2016 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
Dear Families, We are currently taking the CogAT and Iowa tests! PLEASE be sure your child gets a full night's sleep and arrives at school in time for breakfast (if they have not eaten at home). Testing can be stressful for some students, so please offer lots of encouragement and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2016 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
Greetings! Just a few reminders for us... 1. Our picture day is August 24 (not the date listed on the payment form). 2. All students should wear sneaker-style shoes to school for safety concerns. 3. Please allow your child to bring a water bottle to school each day (for water... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2016 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
Welcome to our classroom blog! It's been my pleasure and privilege to get to know your children. I hope you will be able to attend our Open House, Thursday, August 11 from 6:00 - 7:30. This will give us an opportunity to talk about what our 3rd grade expectations and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2016 at Mrs. Howell's Wise Owls
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Aug 9, 2016