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Jarrod Nagurka
Alexandria, VA
Jarrod Nagurka is the Advocacy and Public Affairs Manager at the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). Jarrod is a graduate of the University of Virginia, where he studied economics and government. He previously worked for an association representing software developers, and has experience working in the U.S. Senate, Virginia House of Delegates, and on federal, state and local political campaigns.
Recent Activity
The U.S. Department of Education has released a rule regarding coronavirus relief funds that would prohibit postsecondary institutions from allocating the funds provided for direct student relief to foreign nationals, non-citizens, and other students not eligible for federal financial aid. Notably, the rule now moves to the public comment period,... Continue reading
The ongoing global pandemic has impacted our lives in countless ways, including career and technical education. ACTE has been closely monitoring federal policy updates related to the coronavirus and how they might impacted CTE programs. You can find a complete list of CTE-related coronavirus federal policy updates at this link,... Continue reading
The Department of Education has announced that some postsecondary institutions will be eligible for additional emergency relief funding to bring them up to $500,000. Continue reading
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Education made an additional $6.2 billion available to higher education institutions to support continued education through the CARES Act. Continue reading
On Friday, the Department of Education released additional guidance on questions it had received in light of the coronavirus pandemic. The document answered three main questions. First, the Department clarified that it was using its transition authority to allow states to extend the time of local recipients' one-year local applications... Continue reading
On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced that CTE programs may donate or loan medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) in support of the fight against the coronavirus. Eligible recipients of these donations include public health agencies, private nonprofit hospitals, and other licensed health providers. The announcement... Continue reading
Last week, Secretary DeVos announced proposed rules on distance learning in higher education. The proposed rules were the result of a negotiated rulemaking last year. In a statement, Sec. DeVos touted the Department of Education’s work on the proposed rules, saying the COVID-19 pandemic highlights why they are important. The... Continue reading
After intense negotiations, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) into law on Friday. The bill was passed out of the Senate 96-0, and the House passed it on a voice vote. The law contains more than $2 trillion worth of direct aid or... Continue reading
The ongoing pandemic has had massive implications for people all across the world. First and foremost, ACTE and its staff hope that you are staying safe, and we are keeping everyone affected by this terrible virus in our thoughts. We realize that COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on, among... Continue reading
The Department of Labor has issued a final rule regarding industry-recognized apprenticeships (IRAPs). These apprenticeships are different from registered apprenticeships, which have to go through the Department’s rigorous approval process and meet a number of stringent requirements. IRAPs remove much of the federal oversight and instead allow third parties like... Continue reading
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Education and Labor’s Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment held a hearing on reauthorizing the National Apprenticeship Act. The hearing coincided with Subcommittee Chairwoman Susan Davis (D-CA) releasing a proposed reauthorization of the law. Witnesses included Tiffany Robinson, the Secretary of the Maryland... Continue reading
To celebrate and recognize February as Career and Technical Education Month, CTE Caucus leaders in the Senate and House introduced resolutions. This is the seventh consecutive year in a row that a resolution has been introduced in the Senate, and third year in a row that a resolution has been... Continue reading
Last week, ACTE held its annual CTE Month site visit. The annual visit to schools near the Association’s national headquarters allows ACTE staff to see firsthand local high-quality programs that are preparing learners for success. This year, the site visit took place at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, VA.... Continue reading
DC Digest for the week of February 17-23. Continue reading
The bipartisan co-chairs of the Senate CTE Caucus have introduced a resolution honoring February as CTE Month, as have the co-chairs of the House CTE Caucus. Last year, in part because of the advocacy of so many ACTE members, 51 senators and dozens of representatives cosponsored the resolution. This year,... Continue reading
President Trump recently hinted at a potential increase for Perkins funding in a proclamation declaring February as CTE Month and in his State of the Union address. Continue reading
ACTE and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recently partnered to urge Congress to increase the federal investment in CTE. Continue reading
The House Education & Labor Committee recently passed a Higher Education Act reauthorization bill out of Committee. Continue reading
House Democrats released their proposed comprehensive bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. Continue reading
This week, the House and Senate held separate briefings outlining the importance of expanding Pell Grant eligibility to short-term job training programs. Continue reading
The Trump Administration announced five new companies to sign on to the pledge to America's workers, as well as the nomination of Eugene Scalia as the next Secretary of Labor. Continue reading
On Tuesday, the House Committee on Education and Labor's Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment held a hearing titled, "Scaling Up Apprenticeships: Building on the Success of International Apprenticeship Models." Continue reading
Representatives Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) and Cedric Richmond (D-LA) have introduced the JOBS Act, H.R. 3497, which extends Pell Grant eligibility to short term job training programs. Continue reading
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently announced the 55th class of U.S. Presidential scholars, which included 20 CTE scholars. Continue reading
President Trump recently issued an executive order on America's cybersecurity workforce. Though the order is wide-ranging, it includes several workforce-related components. Continue reading