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Insulin, the cardiac pacemaker, Plexiglas, the Canadarm – Canada is well regarded for our contribution to the advancement of human knowledge. What better way to engage the mind and build knowledge than to create something. Maker spaces and STEM programming are becoming a prominent feature in education in schools, libraries... Continue reading
The great thing about Canada is its reputation for being a welcoming country, a mosaic of different cultures and backgrounds rather than a melting pot. As Canadians we get to meet all kinds of different and interesting people every day. It is our differences that make us special. As an... Continue reading
There is nothing better than consuming a good book, but for most of us that is way too much fibre. A great alternative is checking out some of the many cookbooks that the library has to offer. Cookbooks are a great interactive way to introduce children to non-fiction books. Learning... Continue reading
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Aug 23, 2016