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Mr H
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I agree with LakeCoConserv. Also adding... Why is everything have to be tied to specific group of people. You could say Women or ?????. Why not just talk about how franchising "may" help ANYONE. This glass ceiling myth is getting old. We all have ceilings and all people hit those ceilings. it's just life. but hey, if we give it a title and can associate that with the reason I can't be CEO then hey... it's not my fault,, must be the ceiling.
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what Bill said.. Isn't there a way to just bump up a post! Used to live in IL... Property taxes are only going higher and they are already to high and need to easily be cut in half. NO ONE should be paying as much as we do in property taxes.
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Uh.... what kind of dumb thing is this? I'd much rather be the best and richest country in the world economically than have ANY Olympic medals.
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Aug 24, 2016