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Blythe Gilroy
Recent Activity
Being abroad for the holidays can be very tough. Holidays are meant to be a time for family – whether that’s with your close brothers and sisters or your distant relatives. In the winter of 2015, I missed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s with my family because I... Continue reading
I am officialy past the halfway point in my semester in Spain. It feels like it has flown by but at the same time I feel like it has been so long since I have left. This last half is going to be the holidays which I think will be... Continue reading
This past weekend was the CIEE Trip to Granada which was a blast. It was so much fun to get together and see everyone again after being apart for a month. The weekend started with my 35 American/ Sevillian friends and I hopping on a coach bus after school on... Continue reading
I am officially over one month into this exchange and all I can say is that it is absolutely amazing but so unbelievably hard at the same time. I am definitely settled in and this feels like home. I know where I am and how to get around on my... Continue reading
I am officially over one month into this exchange and all I can say is that it is absolutely amazing but so unbelievably hard at the same time. I am definitely settled in and this feels like home. I know where I am and how to get around on my... Continue reading
I am officially 3 weeks into my program here in Spain and 1 week into my new life with my family here. These 3 weeks have been tough to say the least but I made it through and I am doing a lot better. I ended up switching families a... Continue reading
I am officially 3 weeks into my program here in Spain and 1 week into my new life with my family here. These 3 weeks have been tough to say the least but I made it through and I am doing a lot better. My first family, whom I lived... Continue reading
Today was a breaking point for me. I've been to Spain before so I knew this was a different culture but it is unbelievable how fast they speak and how the volume can escalate so quickly. On my first day of school, I packed my backpack and my host mom... Continue reading
The days leading up to leaving were stressful to say the least. I felt like I had so much to do and a ticking clock of time left to do it. Packing is a pretty important task that needed to get done (obviously) but it was also pretty hard. How... Continue reading
Today marks 11 days until I leave my friends, family and life here in the small town of Cornelius, North Carolina for a new life in Seville, Spain with new friends and a new family. It hasn't quite hit me yet and it probably wont until my flight is taking... Continue reading
Blythe Gilroy is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2016