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Love these ideas. Thanks for hosting! -Journa, from the team at
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! Rosh HaShana starts on Wednesday night, and as you can imagine I am busier than busy, not so much preparing for the holiday as trying to accomplish some organizing before year's end! Last week's party was on the small side, but not complaints here as I st...
Thanks for hosting this lovely party! So happy to share our ideas. -Journa, from the team at
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, one of the best parties around thanks to the amazing contributions from so many lovely readers! Summer is in full swing, which means that shortly this lovely party will be taking a little vacation as I travel to meet up with family across the ocean, yip...
Thank you for hosting this wonderful party! -Journa, from the team at
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks for joining me here! It is now motzei shabbat, meaning Saturday night, and I'm running off to meet a bunch of old friends who are gathering to have a little reunion for a friend who hasn't lived in our city for a good seventeen years or so. I'm bri...
This party is full of great ideas! We love to link up here. Hugs, Journa -
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling sunday, thanks so very much for joining me here! Winter time is a lovely time for crafting, I hope you are finding little pockets of time to make cozy and colorful creations to embrace the season! I am writing this on Friday mid-day, while the pots of shabbat f...
Thanks for featuring our post and for taking the time to host this lovely party! -Journa from
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, the second party of 2017! I'll admit like so many others I too have been having a hard time getting back into the swing of creativity, but with lots of Jewish holidays to come, as always, I've got to get the ball rolling! Fortunately this little internati...
Thanks for the party! -Journa, visiting from the team at
Welcome Back To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome back to Craft Schooling Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and 2017 is off to a great start! I'll be honest, I'm having a bit of a hard time finishing some of the projects I started in December, and hoping that getting this party back on track will be a wonderfu...
Thanks for hosting. It's a great opportunity to share our ideas! -Journa from
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! So wonderful to meet up with you all right here every week, and last week's party was chock full of great inspiration as always! Just by the way, I do love this party and I invest many many hours into making the features look great, however as in previous y...
We love your party! Thanks for hosting! -Journa from the team at
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! It is hard to believe that we are already almost halfway through November, and time is just whizzing by, which means it is time to think about how we'll spend our crafting time this Fall and Winter, and for me that means getting a head start on Chanukah ...
Thank you so much for hosting! So many fantastic ideas here! -Journa, from the team at
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Hi There, Thanks so much for joining me here for this international linky party that just keeps getting better and better thanks to all of you! We are now in the Jewish month of Cheshvan, which is the only month on the Jewish calender that has no holidays of any kind, and so it is referred ...
Thanks for hosting! Much love! -Journa, from the team at
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling Sunday! After an amazing three or so weeks of Jewish holidays, I am experiencing a huge desire to get crafting, and just hoping that I'll tackle all the post holiday disorder before getting started on that, ha ha. Ah yes, and then there is that committment to get...
Fun party, as always. Thanks for hosting! -Journa, visiting from the team at
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! As I am typing this (on Friday afternoon) pots are simmering on the stove and there are many preparations before we usher in shabbat, a special shabbat that is because we will be spending it in the Succah, one of my very favorite places. We gather in the ...
So happy to join your party! Thank you so much for featuring our DIY Magnolia Pumpkin! -Journa, from the team at
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling Sunday! Tonight we are ushering in the Jewish holiday of Succot, one of my very favorite holidays that involves sleeping and eating in our temporary dwelling, which is called a succah. Succahs are built in all kinds of places and many folks, especially those outside...
So many wonderful ideas. Thank you so much for featuring our projects and for hosting this awesome party! -Journa, from the team at
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, and wishing you all a happy sweet new year! My son''s bar mitzvah party is tomorrow night, and being the crafting over achiever that I am, well tonight is going to be a long one! So please excuse me if I didn't get a chance to leave you a comment for your con...
journaramirez is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 9, 2016
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