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I just asked a question about this, thank you for clarifying. If we are citing a chapter author, the book author is not in parenthesis, it is the chapter author? On citing a chapter by another author it lists a book author from: To avoid all of this mess, the simplest solution is to just cite the entire book like you would do with any other authored volume: McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. In doing so, you are presenting readers with a reference format that they can immediately recognize as representing an authored book, which will help them retrieve your source. Then, you can clarify the unique nature of your source by simply crediting the chapter author in your narrative and identifying the chapter number as part of your in-text citation: According to Melinda Oberleitner, "The hallmark of the transformational leader is vision and the ability to communicate that vision to others so that it becomes a shared vision" (McEwen & Wills, 2014, Chapter 16, p. 363)."
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When we use a chapter by another author and have the reference as above, do we cite the same chapter author in text? On another page is says to sit the book author in the in text reference. When I did this I was marked off for not giving the chapter author credit and even though I had the chapter author in the reference as you list above, I was also marked off for not having a separate reference for the book author, even though she is mentioned in the references as the "M. R. Alligood in Nursing Theorists...[italicized title].
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Marietta is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 11, 2016