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McKinney, Texas
Economic forecaster, telecom economist, bank marketing and risk modeler, insurance modeler. PhD in economics, UT Austin
Interests: Cosmology, evolution, and the Bible. Daily walking. Politics and economics.
Recent Activity
The problem with performance bonds is that it assumes that key people involved in these decisions have substantial tenure with a bank. This is not a reasonable assumption. Statistical risk modelers at large banks have tenure of only a few years at best, so the model may well fail after they are gone. Many of these risk modelers may not even be working in the United States when the models fail. Indeed the top people have higher turnover. Management does not want to create a culture where they would pay a premium to keep statistical modelers for substantial periods of time. This needs to change.
Performance Bonds for Bankers: Taking Aim at Misconduct
Hamid Mehran and Joseph Tracy Given the long list of problems that have emerged in banks over the past several years, it is time to consider performance bonds for bankers. Performance bonds are used to ensure that appropriate actions are taken by a party when monitoring or enforcement is ex...
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Nov 9, 2016
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