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Jason Shepard
Recent Activity
Guest post by Mario Attie highlighting new research by Attie and Knobe as part of the x-phi replicability project Consider the following case: Phil has recently joined a French class. He is deeply committed to the class and to what they are trying to achieve, though he tends to put... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2017 at Experimental Philosophy
Pascale Willemsen article "Omissions and expectations: a new approach to the things we failed to do" has been published in Synthese just in time for Christmas, and a Christmas treat it is! Pascale presents a new view of causation by omission in which a key ingredient for judging causation by... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2016 at Experimental Philosophy
Thanks! I am also inclined to think that most people associate making a choice with free will. I think the publish research suggest this, but more work definitely needs to be done. am sure our incompatibilist friends have a very different take, though! ;)
Aneyn O'Grady and I have new research on the folk concept of choice that was recently published in Consciousness and Cognition, What kinds of alternatives are required for the folk concept(s) of choice. I thought that the research may be of interest to readers here. We would love to hear... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2016 at Experimental Philosophy
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Nov 28, 2016