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John Halstead
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This blog is a clever person being wrong over and over again. Marx was a bad philosopher, economist, and prophet, and was wrong about most things.
I don't think it is ok to put out a completely misleading statistic because it raises awareness about poverty. Oxfam do this every year, people point out the massive flaws in it, and they don't seem to care. Luck egalitarianism is one way of analysing what's wrong with large inequality. But equality of luck would be improved if all the wealthy people threw all their assets into the sea without benefitting the poorest. Wealth inequality is obnoxious because the govts and rich individuals have the capacity to provide large benefits to the poorest at basically no cost to themselves but they don't do it. For the reasons given, framing this as a concern about equalising luck is a mistake.
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2017 on Inequality as feudalism at Stumbling and Mumbling
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Jan 16, 2017