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Paige Kerr
Recent Activity
Emojis to the rescue! How is the universal language helping Aphasia patients?
Samung Italy, the Italian team from the Korean-based company, has come out with an app to aid Aphasia patients. The app, Wegomee, translates text into emojis for easy communication and even translates the emojis back into text for non-aphasia users. Wemogee is taking the universal language of emojis to a whole new level. The app works by taking the pre-set 140-plus phases and transcribing them into emoji format. The prime example on almost all news outlets is "Would you like to go to the beach with me?" A some-what common phase, especially with Summer approaching, and the image below shows... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2017 at Global Media News
Extra Credit Post: Buzzfeed Journalist Listicle
Talal Ansari: Ansari is a reporter at Buzzfeed who specializes in "Crime and Justice, Opinion an Editorial". I look to Ansari's Twitter for inspiration because of his beat of crime and Justice. Crime and Justice interests me and it's clear to see that Ansari's follower's agree because of what he tweets. The Buzzfeed worker, tweets out shocking new articles that either he wrote or a fellow journalist wrote. These articles include, his investigation on how the FBI pressures Muslim immigrants into becoming informants, Daily News’s piece on a knife killing in Midtown with a racist twist, and The Guardian's report... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2017 at Global Media News
Emojis for All! Gingers are Finally Getting Emojis
Listen to my radio segment where I discuss emoji equality! Download Red Head Emojis Copy Emojis have become quite diverse over the past few years. In 2015 emojis representing different nationalities was released and people were ecstatic. And in my last blog post, I talked about how gender-neutral emojis are said to be released this year, pleasing the LGBTQ community, but redheads are still being neglected by Apple, is there hope our future emoji keyboard will look a little something like this? All the different red head emojis said to be released in 2018. Created by Paige Kerr. Redhead emojis... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2017 at Global Media News
Are Gender Neutral Emojis in Our Future?
As it stands, emojis are either women or men; plain and simple, black and white, but will emoji-creators take a step into the gray area? According to Rachel Thompson at Mashable, Unicode is looking to do just that. Unicode is said to release three gender inclusive emojis by the end of the year. These emojis contain neither feminine nor masculine features and represent a human-being through the three big stages of life; childhood, adulthood and elder-hood Photo Credit: Emojipedia/ Haley Hamblin/ Mashable Caption: The three gender neutral emojis said to be released this year. Paul D. Hunt, a typeface designer... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2017 at Global Media News
Who Should Fear With DirecTV Now Here?
According to celebrity net worth, DirectTV Now, AT&T’s streaming service is a $200 billion business. According to Meg James at the LA Times, AT&T released a streaming service, DirecTV Now, late November of 2016. This streaming service offers customer an experience similar to Hulu, Netflix and Dish Network’s Sling TV and was an instant success. Roger Cheng from Cnet said, "DirecTV Now represents AT&T's push to transform itself into more than just a phone company, taking control of the content you watch and of how you watch it...". Facing steep competition in the wireless communication world due to companies such... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2017 at Global Media News
Are Emojis The Language of Millennials?
Emoticons have been around since 1999 and the popularity of these little yellow smileys is only growing. But who uses this modern language? And are emojis only for Millennials? Emojis are a simple means of communicating, individuals can express their emotions, their wants, and their needs with a simple click of an emoji which of course is appealing to Millennials who are always looking for ways to cut corners. Max Thorpe from CMO believes that emojis can be "the first step toward developing a universal language that everyone could understand." And I think he's right about that. Gaining popularity in... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2017 at Global Media News
Can ASL Be Taught Through GIFS?
Giphy released a new set of GIFS that brings pride to the deaf community, American Sign Language (ASL) GIFS. via GIPHY Robert DeMayo signing the word "Wait" in the app designed to educate people on ASL These GIFS are of Robert DeMayo from the education program, "Sign With Robert". They demonstrate DeMayo signing words and phrases along with English subtitles, making this the perfect method of learning this language. "To help people learn basic ASL, Giphy cut up small clips from "Sign With Robert", a 30-episode educational series. The result is looping video of Robert DeMayo performing a sign alongside... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2017 at Global Media News
Is Meitu Changing Our Selfie Ways?
Meitu is a Chinese photo editing app released March of 2013 that has gone viral. Meitu app turns your selfie into an anime character. As well give the illusion that one went under the knife. This magical app gained popularity in the US over the last couple of weeks and people are going crazy over Meitu. The man in this image transformed himself into an anime with Meitu. Photo Credit: Alfred Ng/CNET This photo editing app fits all a selfie addict's needs, it can complete the simple task of cropping and changing the exposure of a selfie, as well as... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2017 at Global Media News
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