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jalen twine
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I think that the article did a great job of establishing the importance of the Buccoo Reef to Tobago and showing how much it depends on the tourism from the reef. It states that tourism in 2009 accounted for about 37% of Tobago’s estimated GDP. Furthermore the fact that just under 50% of employment— or 14,000 jobs — in Tobago are tourism related hammers home the point that the Buccoo Reef needs to be conserved. I too was surprised that more hasn’t been done when considering these staggering numbers and realizing that other businesses that aren’t necessarily tourist-related are still majorly independent on the tourism to attract customers.
Conservationists are making a great effort in respect to conserving the reef. I think that the people-oriented conservation approach would be the most impactful because it would seem to have the most long-term effect. This is very important for a population that is constantly growing. People have to be educated on the importance of the reef and realize that it is in their best interest to work to conserve the reef because without it, Tobago isn’t in a place where they could survive.
Econ 255 reading for next Thursday
jalen twine is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 1, 2017
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