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Rohit Vinayak
Recent Activity
2) We spoke with a client on call few times, we had written to the same client for an appointment however the response is NILL or very poor from client. What should be the best and the most effective way to put an email to him ?
Don't Write When It Will Go Wrong!
Do you recognize no-win situations, where your writing is doomed to fail? Read below to keep yourself out of trouble. Sometimes when we write, a little voice tells us the communication is going to go wrong. In business writing classes people have admitted, "I had doubts about sending that email"...
What should be the 1st email to get an appointment from the client (New Client, with whom we have spoken on call) ?
Don't Write When It Will Go Wrong!
Do you recognize no-win situations, where your writing is doomed to fail? Read below to keep yourself out of trouble. Sometimes when we write, a little voice tells us the communication is going to go wrong. In business writing classes people have admitted, "I had doubts about sending that email"...
Rohit Vinayak is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 4, 2017
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